Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Cucumber, Tomato, and Onion salad

This is another recipe that I made up. I may have many years ago received a recipe for this but I've played with it for many years and now have perfected my salad. You can cater this to your own taste fairly easy. I think this tastes yummy with macaroni and cheese.

8 oounces cherry tomatoes cut in half (or you can use regular tomatoes about 2 of them)

2 cucumber, medium size cut into circles

1 onion chopped

Mix together in a bowl. Add dressing:

1/3 cup apple cider vinegar

1/3 cup sugar

3 tablespoons water

2 tablespoons olive oil

seasonings, I use garlic salt, pepper, basil but you can use your favorite seasonings to taste

Mix together and chill. Serve chilled although room temperature is good too.

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