Sunday, July 12, 2009

Bacon Wrapped Jalapenos

These were so good. I am still thinking about these appetizers. Not only were they good but they were simple and easy to make. Another huge bonus only three ingredients needed to make this dish. I used jalapenos from the store but I think this would be really good with some jalapenos from a local farmer's market. As another testimony as to how good these are my father ate several and asked the next day if I had anymore.

Bacon Wrapped Jalapenos
from The Pioneer Woman Cooks

about 10 jalapenos, cut in half with seeds and membranes removed
8oz package of cream cheese
one package of bacon, you won't need it all, with slices cut into thirds

Fill jalapenos with cream cheese then wrap with bacon. Stick a toothpick through on the side to keep the bacon attached. Place on a wire rack under a baking sheet. Cook at 375 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes.


  1. Those sound delicious. I am surptised that the cheese stays inside well, and doesn't manage to find a hole to run out of.

  2. These are really good! My husband makes these and inserts a few pieces of smoked pork under the bacon and smokes them till they're melty....

  3. Frieda- That sounds like a really tasty way to try these.
    Charlotte- I've never had a problem with the cheese running out of a jalapeno.

  4. Sherri- They were spicy but I was able to eat them. I can not handle really spicy foods. If you remove all of the stems and seeds it really helps cut the spice of the jalapenos.


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