Saturday, June 27, 2009

Chewy Caramel Popcorn

I love caramel popcorn. I don't like Cracker Jack or other caramel where it is a hard caramel. I just really like the ooey gooey chewy soft kind. This recipe was really chewy and soft until the next day. Even the next day it was not a hard caramel but just not as soft and chewy. This recipe is also very simple and has items most people have in stock in their home pantry. I don't use microwave popcorn but I'm sure you could use a batch of microwave if you did not want to pop your own popcorn.

Chewy Caramel Popcorn
From RecipeZaar

4 tablespoons butter
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup corn syrup
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup popcorn, unpopped

Pop your popcorn and place in a greased bowl.
Melt butter on medium heat in a medium size saucepan.
Turn heat down to low, and add brown sugar, stir until blended together well.
Making sure that the sugar does not burn turn the heat back up to medium, and add corn syrup. All the while stirring and making sure there is no sticking.
Add the salt and baking soda. This will make the sugar double in size be careful not to let it go over the sides of the pot.
Immediately pour onto popcorn.
Stir until the caramel has covered popcorn completely.
Transfer onto a cookie sheet with wax paper, and let cool.


  1. I hate crackers jacks because they are so hard. This sounds so yummy. I think it would be great with some almonds in it!

  2. Fun treat. Thanks for following my blog. Staci

  3. I would like to say thanks for the time you took in writing this post. You’ve an inspiration for me. You know about the Flavored Popcorn visit at Flavored Popcorn


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