Sunday, May 3, 2009

Raspberry Lime Rickey

Did I mention in previous posts about how much I liked most of the recipes in this month's issue of Cooks Country magazine? In the June/July 2009 issue there are several recipes I am planning on trying. Right now I am in love with this drink. Its simple and it feels so summery drinking it. The flavors are just right and its just refreshing. The actual recipe called for seltzer or club soda but I've been using 7Up.

3 cups frozen raspberries (you can use fresh if you have them), 12 oz frozen package
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup water
4 teaspoons grated lime zest
1/2 cup juice from 4 limes
7Up, chilled

Make syrup: Heat raspberries, sugar, and water in saucepan over medium heat until raspberries begin to release their juices, about 5 minutes. Mash with potato masher until berries break down, then stir in lime zest and juice. Simmer until mixture is slightly thickened, about 5 minutes.

Strain and serve: Pour raspberry mixture through fine mesh strainer set over bowl, pressing on solids to extract liquid (you should have about 2 1/2 cups). Discard berry solids. Refrigerate syrup until completely cool, at least 30 minutes or up to one week. To serve, combine 3/4 cup 7Up and 2 tablespoons syrup in tall, ice filled glass.


  1. Mmm - that sounds so refreshing. On the next hot day, I am definitely going to try this.

  2. I think my kids would absolutely love this drink. It look and sounds wonderful :)

  3. We definitely have the same taste in food because I've been wanting to make all the Cook's Country recipes in this issue too - you've beaten me to it and I'm glad because I like to know the are a success. This drink looks fabulous. I can't wait to try it myself.

  4. Melanie- We must have the same taste in food! I'm giving the Stained Glass Cake a try tomorrow. I'm really surprised at how many of the recipes I want to try in this issue. Usually there is at least 4-5 but this month's I want almost everything.

  5. Oh, that definitely brings back memories of being a kid in Boston, where the Raspberry Lime Rickey is THE summertime drink.

  6. I made this a few nights ago and we are totally still enjoying it. I liked yours enough that I wanted to give it a try. I made mine with the club soda. Mom even likes it.


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