Monday, April 6, 2009

Easy Herb Dinner Rolls

I've been wanting to give something like this a try for awhile now. A little different then the rolls I usually make and they were a huge hit. There are two ways you could do this. One by using the frozen Rhodes rolls or the second being making your own rolls. Either way its a nice change for a simple dinner roll.

batch of roll dough or the frozen Rhodes rolls
4 tablespoons melted butter, separated into 2 tablespoon portions
Johnny's garlic and cheese seasoning

I used two tablespoons melted butter on the bottom of the pan I was cooking the rolls in. I then sprinkled about 1 tablespoon of the Johnny's seasoning on top of the butter. I placed the rolls in the pan and let rise according to the directions of the recipe/package.
When they were ready to bake I spread the remaining 2 tablespoons of butter over the rolls and then sprinkled another tablespoon of Johnny's seasonings over the rolls. I baked according to package/recipe directions.


  1. These rolls look good! I found your site through the Hive and look forward to reading your posts and trying your recipes!

  2. wonderful recipe. Thanks for sharing. You can share some more nutritious grain recipes to make everyday healthy.


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