Wednesday, March 11, 2009

CSA time again

I'm a big supporter of the csa's. I find that I get really good local organic produce for a decent price. I'm listing a few csa's for the Northern Utah area.



Cooper Moose

Ranui Gardens

Zoe's Garden

What is a CSA? (Thanks to Slow Foods for the answer)
ommunity Supported Agriculture (CSA) provides a mutually beneficial arrangement between farmers and consumers. People join by purchasing a "share" of produce pre-season, then pick up their weekly produce from a central drop point in their area during the harvest season.

CSA Benefits for the farmer? When signing up, you dedicate yourself to being a customer for the season, providing the farmer a secure market. CSAs enable farms to share the risk and abundance of producing food with the consumer, resulting in a more direct and rewarding link between farmer and community. (Payment in the Spring also provides cash to the farmer when it is needed most.) (Courtesy of Borski Farms.)

CSA Benefits for the shareholder? No more guessing where your food comes from! Members receive a weekly supply of diverse produce with "the farmer’s face on it." You can talk with the farmer, and many offer opportunities to visit the farms. Your produce is harvested and delivered directly to you, generally via a drop–off point, ensuring the freshest produce with a high nutritional value. You also get the satisfaction of knowing you are supporting a local farm. (Courtesy of Wasatch Community Gardens)


  1. I have purchased a share from Borski's this year. I hate going back and forth so I think I'm sticking with them from here on out. I somehow need to get them a closer pickup area to Bountiful. Have you made up your mind yet?

  2. I went ahead and bought a share from Borski. I was not impressed with East last year and did not want to try them again. I'd love to try Zoe's but I think I'd need you to split it with me cause its pricey.


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