Thursday, January 15, 2009

Menu Plan for 1/17-1/24

Meal #1
Zesty horseradish meatloaf
green beans with bacon
pumpkin cake roll

Meal #2
black bean veggie enchiladas

Meal #3
hearty penne beef
asian broccoli salad

Meal #4
Marlboro sandwich
seasoned baked potatoes

Meal #5
Rustic Italian tortellini soup
potato sour cream biscuits

Meal #6
Texas toast steak sandwich

Meal #7
oregano roasting chicken
flavorful mashed potatoes

This week's shopping trip

Day old bread store $8.69

14 cans cat food $8.26 59 cents each
cat treats $1.67
frozen burritos $2.99
frozen chimichangas $2.99
frozen green beans $1.50
buttermilk 99 cents
deli sandwich$1.99
broccoli 1.42 lbs $1.83, $1.29 lb
red onions 1.89 lbs $1.49, 79 cents lb
potatoes 2.82 lbs $1.38, 49 cents lb
10 cube steaks $13.84
deli pizza $2.99
deli sandwich $3.29
tortillas 99 cents
Grand total: $48.10

8 boxes oatmeal $16, $2 each
cat food $3.99
bacon $15.96
Grand total: $22.67
Total is less than amount listed because I had coupons for the items.

cilantro 34 cents
2 packages spinach $4.18
french fries $1.25
penne pasta 88 cents
cat food $1.55
pureed tomatoes 71 cents
chili sauce $1.39
mushrooms $1.99
strawberries $1.50
ketchup $1.29
green bell pepper 69 cents
shallots .22 lbs 66 cents, $2.99 lb
seasonings 69 cents
apples 2.40 lbs $2.11, 88 cents lb
Grand total:$19.76

Total for next week's shopping is:
$99.22, WOOHOO I came in under budget!

I have a few more beer rebates that will help lower this even more.


  1. Love the menu plan! I found you via Kalyn! Love your blog!

  2. Thanks Maria! I'm glad you like it. Its been a work in progress for me.


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