Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Marlboro Man’s Favorite Sandwich

Oh my goodness this was a really yummy sandwich. It was quite fattening I am sure but oh so worth the fat. I can't even begin to tell you how tasty this sandwich was. Everyone. kids included, loved this sandwich. It was a quick and easy to make dinner. I'm still thinking about how good the sandwich tasted. I added some mushrooms and garlic to the onions and swiss cheese to the roll. One thing we did not like was it did not taste very good reheated. I found the recipe on the Pioneer Woman's website and she goes into great detail on how to make the sandwich. I love her blog and she has many great recipes on her blog.
Pioneer Woman's recipe

2 to 3 pounds cube steak (tenderized round steak that’s been extra-tenderized
1 large onion OR 2 small/medium onions
4 French/Deli rolls
Butter, man
Lawry’s Seasoned Salt
Worcestershire Sauce

-Slice onions and cook in 1/4 stick butter until soft and light brown. Remove and set aside.
-Slice cube steak against the grain. Season with Lawry’s.
-Heat 2 TBSP butter over high heat (in same skillet) until melted and beginning to brown.
-Add meat in single layer. Cook one side until brown, then flip and cook until brown, about a minute on both sides.
-Add 1/2 (at least) Worcestershire sauce, 5 to 6 shakes Tabasco, and 2 TBSP butter. Add cooked onions. Stir to combine.
-Butter halved French rolls and brown on skillet.
-To assemble, lay bottom half of French roll on plate. Place meat mixture, followed by a spoonfull of juice from the pan. Top with other half of roll, cut in half, and devour!

1 comment:

  1. Are you paying more than $5 / pack of cigarettes? I'm buying all my cigs over at Duty Free Depot and I'm saving over 50% on cigarettes.


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