Monday, November 24, 2008

Twice Baked Potatoes

I was watching Cook's Country on PBS the other day and they made twice baked potatoes. Now I didn't follow their recipe but I did take a few things they did to make my potatoes. These were really tasty and loved my everyone who ate them. I wish I had some roquefort cheese to add because it would have made these potatoes the best I've ever eaten.
5 potatoes, russets are best but I used red
Bake them until tender. Allow to cool. Turn on side and cut off the top 1/4 of the potato. Reserve the cut off section.
Scrape the insides of the potato but not all the way to the edge. Save some potato near the skin so the potato won't collapes. On the fifth potato no need just scrape out all of the potato.
Add all the scraped out potato plus scrape the potato off the sections you cut off. Place in bowl and add about 3 tablespoons butter. Mix together with a mixer. Add about 1/3 cup half and half or until the potatoes reach the consistency you prefer. Add one garlic clove minced. Salt and pepper to your taste.
Optional- add 4 slices of cooked bacon chopped
Add 3 tablespoons fresh chopped chives. You can sub dried chives if you want but don't add as much. Mix everything together then add about 1/4 cup sharp cheddar cheese.
Take the potato shells and spread melted butter on them. Place in 475 degree oven for 15 minutes to crisp the shells. Remove from oven and
add the potato mixture to the shells. Top with some fresh chopped chives and sprinkle with cheese. Cook at 475 for 15 minutes or until it starts to brown.

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