Friday, October 17, 2008

Beef with noodles and gravy

This is a made up as I went recipe that ended up being so good. Seriously, even my pickest eater went back for thirds on this dish. Sadly I didn't make alot of it and there was no leftovers. Things I would do differently, I think I'd add some sliced onions to the meat when it is thrown into the crockpot and maybe some mushrooms too. And as usual garlic. I love garlic and why I didn't think of adding any I don't know. This was simple and so easy.
2 lbs tenderized round steak, cut into 2 inch pieces
3/4 cup flour
salt and pepper
Mix the flour and seasonings. Coat the steak pieces with the flour. Cook in a hot pan with a swirl of oil until brown. Place the steak in a crockpot with about 1/2 cup water. Cook on low for 8 hours.
Add 2 packets of gravy mix (or you can use homemade gravy), brown, onion, mushroom, or beef flavored.
Add the water for the gravy mix.
Stir into crockpot and cook until thick.
Meanwhile, cook some noodles. I used Country Pasta noodle but the frozen Grandmother kind would be great too. Or even homemade egg noodles. I didn't measure how much noodles I cooked so just decide how much your family may eat.
Now you can serve in one of two ways:
1. Place noodles on plate and add the gravy and meat to the top.
2. Mix the noodles with the gravy and meat. The serve on the plate.

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